15 August 2008

Sharin' Some Love

Poppi & Hunter spent the local public holiday with us this week. You could say we spent it by stayin' in and sharing some love around the house. We played games together, did some baking together and just enjoying each other's company.

So, we thought we'd share some of the warm fuzzies from the day with all of you!

A Little Experiment in the Bathroom

Haven't you always wanted to know exactly just how much water your standard bath-tub will hold before it goes over the edge?

Well, our kids have braved the depths of their own domecile to find out for you! (Or maybe, just maybe, it's Dean's latest and greatest solution for actually getting them into the tub when asked.)

I Can Dress Myself!

So sayeth Hunter.

And in what, we are certain, was a moment in which he channelled his best 80's Miami Vice / Don Johnson self - here's what he came up with.... Oh yes.... I can dress myself indeed.

Hunter Style Tip #1 - Why pop your collar to look cool when you can just open up your shirt?!?! :-)

10 August 2008

"Poppi & Hunter" by Warhol

Mini-Golf, Anyone?

I can remember many times as a child going to play Putt-Putt with my folks. I remember being quite bad at the game. (Go figure.) But, more than that, I remember always having fun and lots of giggles.

I am happy to report that not much has changed in the world of mini-golf since I was a child. I am still quite bad at the game, but it is still lots of fun and brings a smile and a laugh to everyone. In fact, it's probably more fun now to be the adult and watch the kids giving it a go and having a ball.

Some months ago, we took the littlies down the Gold Coast (thanks to some discount vouchers) and had an afternoon of mini-golf fun. Both kids did great - even scoring a few Hole-in-Ones!

And, of course, like any REAL golfer knows, you don't really tell the truth on those stroke cards. Well, that would just be silly, wouldn't it? So, our young Tiger-in-Training, when asked how many strokes it took him to make the above shot (knowing full well that the count was at least 10) had this to say....