10 September 2007

Poppo's "Must Have it NOW!!!" Peanut Butter Fudge

Recently, we went to the Eumundi Markets just because. It's a quick hour escape and you never really know what the stall vendors will have. We really like it. This last visit, during the Ekka public holiday, we went up. There is a fudge vendor there and I decided I had to have some peanut butter fudge. Well, no joy at the fudge vendor. Turns out Australians aren't as into confectionary with peanut butter as an ingredient as Americans. How silly! What culinary adventures there are to be had.

So, on the way home, Dean and I phoned my Dad (who has now inherited my grandfather's nickname - Poppo) and got his recipe. Mind you, he didn't actually have it written down. You see, his recipe comes from the back of a jar of Marshmellow Fluff. So, he rattled it off by memory.

Dean, my talented and all-knowing chef, was a little concerned about making fudge with peanut butter and marshmellows. Well, that was until he tasted it. He loved it! :-) As a result, it was one of many treats served at Poppi's Suprise Birthday Party. So, straight from the back of our super-secret brown paper bag, here we are posting the recipe here for those who asked for it at the party.

Enjoy! :-)

2 cup of Peanut Butter (or Peanut Butter chips) - You can use smooth or crunchy

1 jar (7 oz) Marshmellow Fluff (Yes, this is available in Australia - at Coles, in the same aisle as Nutella. If you can not find any, substitute an equivilant amount of regular marshmellows.)

3/4 cup Evaporated Milk

2 1/4 cup Sugar

1/4 cup Butter

1 tsp. Vanilla

In a large pot over medium, combine milk, butter and sugar. Heat ingredients until boiling. Add Marshmellow Fluff (or marshmellows), stirring until melted. Remove pot from heat. Stir in peanut butter and vanilla. Spread mixture out in a semi-shallow baking pan. Allow to cool in refrigerator until firm. Cut into squares and try not to eat them all at once.


Anonymous said...

Peanut butter, for me, is a food group. It's the best!
I'm glad to see you're bringing some good old fashioned mid-western food value to the land of OZ!
~~Ryan Krengel

Poppo said...

For those interested, you can also substitute chocolate for the peanut butter. Or mix them, if you so choose. And why not add pecans or walnuts to the chocolate. I have also used butterscotch chips, and caramel, and other concoctions.