25 June 2007

Some Photos to Amuse You

Look what's happened once again ... Managed to fall behind on the Blog. Oh big shocker. By now, you should be used to it. (If not, it is worthy to probably note it will only get worse before it gets better.) Nevertheless, we hope your visits when we do post will be worth your while.

With the latest edition of the "real" Balmforth Bulletin pending, we realised we have some miscellaneous photos of the Poppi and Hunter from the past couple of months that we think you will enjoy taking a sneaky peek at. It's especially good that we do have recent photos, because, over the past few weekends, we've found that we're getting really good at 1) Not taking the camera with us and 2) going places where they won't let us take photos (ie the State Library). Yes, it does frustrate us as much as it probably frustrates you.

So, here we go. Funny photos from April through last weekend. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Amy Y said...

The kids are adorable! Great picture taking :)